Review of Airlink – A Sensor to Measure Air Quality

In order to measure the particulates content in the outside and inside air and know the quality of outside or inside air an AIRLINK has been introduced by This device sends data to the cloud platform of this website so that the user can know about the quality of air he is breathing in …

What You Need To Know About Shower Doors With Design On Glass

Are you planning to build a new home? Or maybe you just want to renovate your bathroom. You should consider having shower doors with design on glass. Specifically, you should consider having a shower door with an etched glass design. This is a relatively new trend when it comes to bathrooms. You can consider it …

some of the steps you need to take on fire risk assessment

Fire hazards are everywhere, whether at home or work. However, if you own a business, your legal requirement is to provide adequate protection for you and your employees. This means that you are legally responsible for taking all precautions to reduce the risk of fire and ensure that systems remain operational in the event of …

Mecanizado Fotoquimico

Introdución ao Prototipado Rápido Os prototipos xogan un papel importante na investigación, desenvolvemento e estudo. Estes prototipos desenvolvidos axudan ás probas de preproducción e axudan a detectar posibles problemas causados ​​por erros de deseño. Xerar un modelo anterior foi un proceso moi caro e tamén un proceso lento. Pero co control numérico por computadora (CNC), …