Utility Connections for New Build Properties

Whether you’re an experienced builder or just starting out, getting ready to create that dream home you’ve always envisioned can be stressful and time-consuming, not to mention expensive! You need to make sure you have everything planned out properly so that your house is the best it can be and that the process of building goes as smoothly as possible. Here are some important utilities to consider when building your new house!

  1. Water

Water is the most important thing to have on a property. Whether you’re building a new home or putting an addition on to an existing house, you’ll need to have water service pipes run to your property before any baseboards or flooring can be laid out. It can be expensive, but it is well worth the investment (not to mention legally required). Often, your mortgage loan provider will require that you pay for the water installation work before they will lend you money on your home construction project.

  1. Gas

Gas is one of the most important utilities you can get for your home. Not only does having a gas line run to your property help reduce the possibility of explosion, but it also improves the home’s overall efficiency because it provides an additional heat source for homes that don’t have an A/C system. In many cases, homes with a gas line include an on-demand gas fireplace in the living room or den to help heat up the rooms efficiently!

  1. Electricity

Electricity is a necessity for all homes. Most new home builders will include electric service to the home during the construction process, but depending on your location and utility company, you may need to pay for electrical service as part of your financing package or as a separate layer of charge. There are many advantages to having electricity at your property, so whether it’s included in your mortgage loan or not, adding electicity is always a good idea!

  1. Sewer

The sewer department is your best friend when building a new home. Makes sense, because once the builder has finished with your property, they can move on to the next…and it’s unlikely you’ll want to live in a house that smells! When it comes time to lay down the new flooring in your house, you’ll need to have the proper sewer line laid out and ready for installation.

  1. Gas, Electric, Water and Sewer – Who’s paying for this?

You may have noticed that these five utilities are used in almost every house built in the city. It turns out that these are just some of the utilities used when building a new home as well! Your builder or developer will likely provide you with a list of all of the utilities needed for the construction process and how much they will cost. You’ll need to budget for these utilities so you can get them the right before you sign your loan documents.

  1. Property Owner’s Association Fees

A floor plan of your home is the best way to get an idea of how much it will cost to live in it. Knowing what it will take to run your water, gas, electricity and sewer lines is essential information when choosing a new house to live in. Adding them up will give you a good estimate of what it will cost to keep things running smoothly once your home is built.

Utilities are an important part of your new home. Make sure you’re aware of their costs and where they will be running. It’s important to have a general idea of what it will cost to keep your house running smoothly once it is built!