Discover The Benefits Of Lampe Berger

lampe berger, also known as Maison Berger Paris, offers more than just pleasant fragrances. Their innovation in the home fragrance industry allows for improved air quality and provides a slew of other benefits. From being a natural insect repellent to eliminating bad odors, this French brand revolutionizes air care with their signature lamp and diffusers.

Humble Beginnings

Maurice Berger, a pharmacist, discovered the benefits of catalytic oxidation when he used alcohol to sterilize the air in his laboratory. In 1898, he created a lamp that would catalyze alcohol to diffuse aromatic fragrances in homes, hospitals, and offices. The product was later adapted to eliminate unpleasant odors in restaurants and other public spaces.

Today, the lamp still exists, complete with the original design and signature blue flame. The brand has expanded its collection to include over 50 lamp models, 5 million diffusers, and a range of 90 home fragrances.

Purify The Air

lampe berger’s main objective is to purify the air. Its unique diffusing technology eliminates airborne bacteria, viruses, and odors. While air fresheners mask unwanted odors, lampe berger neutralizes them. Smoke, cooking smells, and even pet odors can ruin a space. A single session with the lamp can disperse unwanted odors and leave your home smelling fresh.

Allergy sufferers will appreciate the brand’s dedication to improving indoor air quality. For asthma sufferers, inhaling pollutants and irritants in the air is a trigger for attacks. The Lampe Berger cleanses the air, eliminating pollutants and other irritants that trigger asthma attacks.

Insect Repellent

In addition to purifying the air, the Lampe Berger is also a natural insect repellent. The brand produces special essential oils that repel mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. The oils are a safe and natural alternative to toxic sprays and can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Lampe Berger’s design is more than just functional. Their chic styles are not only an attractive addition to any room but also add elegance and sophistication to your decor. With over 50 designs to choose from, there’s something for every style. From sophisticated contemporary designs to classic vintage, the lamp fits any aesthetic.

Easy to Use

Using Lampe Berger is easy, with no complicated instructions or maintenance. Simply fill the lamp with your choice of fragrance oils, light it, and let it diffuse your space with a beautiful aroma. The lamp is even self-extinguishing, so there’s no need to monitor it. Just like lighting a candle, the lamp offers instant ambiance and fragrance.


With all the benefits Lampe Berger has to offer, it’s hard to imagine why anyone would choose a traditional air freshener. From cleaning the air to eliminating odors to repelling insects to purifying the air, Lampe Berger is the ultimate air-care solution. Not only is it practical, but it also adds a touch of luxury and style to any home or office. Try it out for yourself and experience the benefits of Lampe Berger.