How is the AP Calculus AB Exam Scored?

The AP calculus exam is scored through a range of 1 to 5. Similar to all AP exams, the scores range from 1 being the least and 5 being the most. These scores are able to inform colleges about how well the student understands the information presented on the exam. These exams are scored in a similar manner for other programs as well. There are many ways to prepare for the AP Calculus exam. For example, students can prepare with online study services and tutoring services. One of the top rated tutoring services is Star Tutors.

Star Tutors works with many students that are preparing for their upcoming exam. Exams can be a stressful time for students, especially if the results of the exam will be sent to prospective colleges. For this reason it is important that students take these exams seriously. Students should aim for a high score on the AP calculus exam. A high score for the exam would be a 4 or a 5. Star Tutors is able to advance student’s knowledge on calculus as well as prepare them for the type of questions they may encounter on the official test/ exam. These are the best ways to prepare students in advance and prevent stress during the test. Students that are confident with the information are more likely to preform better than those who are nervous and unprepared.

Another important factor for studying is to work with an interactive classroom learning service such as Star Tutors. Their interactive platform features the highest level of virtual learning combined with practice tests and recorded lessons for future study reference. The ability to watch recorded lessons is one of the best ways to refresh student’s memory on important information. The services from Star Tutors feature interactive and independent leaning. This balance of interactive and independent learning is an effective combination for success.

Scoring the AP Calculus Exam for Students

Students often wonder how the exam is scored in order to determine what score they must earn in order to maintain a high ranking with potential colleges. Students want to ensure they are preforming well as the results will be viewed by college officials and administrators. There are many ways to properly prepare for the exam. Students do not need to worry when working with a reputable and highly rated service such as Star Tutors. Their service has been relied on by many student and their parents for success.